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Digipak Draft and Feedback

Digipak Draft Analysis


This is our digipak draft as drawn by myself. Once we had all researched conventional digipaks, we collected information that would be crucial to the design of our digipak. We chose to feature our image on most of the digipak as it is often the main feature of a front cover in order to embed the viewer's mind with the artis's image. I also bullet pointed the key aspects of each side of the digipak and how they can be linked with conventions as well as what theorists would apply to the imagery. The next step was to recieve audience feedback and to see whether it would look professional enough for the public, because they know best. If any critical feedback was recieved, we would change the draft in order to satisfy our target audience.

Magazine Advert Draft Analysis


We then moved on to design our magazine advert draft. It was drawn and annotated by Jonny Clark while the rest of us helped design it. After we each analysed 10 music videos we had a great understanding of what the conventions were and how they attracted their target audiences. Jonny annotated of how our outfits are necessary for our characters and how they relate to media theories. Like the digipak draft, we now needed to recieve audience feedback in order to see whether it was suitable for our target audience. If we was to recieve any critical feedback we would change that certain aspect in order to satisfy the public. 



Once me and Jonny had finished our digipak and magazine advert drafts, Mohsin and Rob looked for a girl and boy within our target audience age range. Once we set them questions of how to improve our design drafts, we recorded what our chosen interviewees had to say about them. Both of the podcasts were rather long as we recieved as much feedback as possible. Rob conducted the videos while Mohsin created the questions to be asked. Both Josh Obisanya and Rachel Clarke had very positive attitudes towards our drafts and they both liked the great amount of detail that myself and Jonny incorporated within the drafts as it definitely helped them get an idea of what th finished result would look like. They both also liked the simplicity of the designs and how it relates to the target audience who do not wish to read an awful lot of text. Though Rachel did state that one improvement would be to actually add slightly more text in order to inform the reader of who we actually are as a band. This is something that we will definitely have to add as long as we keep our audience satisfied. Josh on the other hand said that the drafts simply need more colour in order for it to pop off the page at the audience. We can easily add this in the final draft because we were planning to add colour anyway.

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