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Filming Evidence


Above is the video that was filmed by Rob as we were driven by Jonny to his house in order to film our first few scenes. We were in the car with Rob, Jonny, Mohsin and Josh. We visited his house when we all had a study period in sixth form, so we had to film as fast as we could in order to return for our next lesson, luckily we filmed the footage we neede. The fact that we organised when to go within a study period shows our communication skills as well as simple organisation skills. The next image shows how and where we filmed, it also shows our resourcefulness and how we used the surrounding appliances to our benefit. When we all had to be on stage together, Daniel (Jonny's brother) volunteered to film, to which we are very thankful. The final image is of us all involved within the video and it marks the end of filming for our production. It also shows our humour which we wanted to potray from behind the scenes as we are generally joyful lads whom I'm glad I grouped up with to make this production which I and my team mates are very proud of.

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